Monday, July 18, 2011


Will Moving 2000 Miles Away Be In Your Best Interest?

Living around family.....

There is something to be said about living where you have been brought up and where your relatives, such as, sisters and brothers, cousins, aunts and uncles, are just across town or in a nearby city that you can take the time to visit them when you feel the need. I made a decision early in life that made a big impact on my life and until this day, is still making me pay.
I came from a large family of 6 children. The Korean war was going on when I got out of high school. There were a lot of men who were in the service at that time and I met a man at our church who was a sailor. We seemed to have a lot in common, at least at that time, I thought we did. His home state was about 2000 miles from where I lived when I met him. I didn't realize people in other states had such severe weather at times that they would have to consult the weather channel before they could make any traveling plans. Where I lived we rarely watched the weather as it was never involved in our planning on whether we could go somewhere or not.
When this sailor asked me to marry him and live in the state where he lived before he went into the Navy it didn't occur to me how much a change it would make in my life and the kind of life I would have to experience. Reading this article may help to give you the tools to help you make a decision based on knowledge rather than taking a chance that it will work out or not. If you, or someone you know has to make a decision on moving a long distance from their home town it would be wise to show them this article.
To know that it will make a great impact on your life is very helpful. In this article I will attempt to give you the reasons why it does and help you to at least know how it will change your life and the limitations it will make in your family life and the relationship you will have or not have with your immediate family, childhood friends, and the environmental differences that are quite an adjustment, also.
If where you are moving is going to give you the advantages that you're looking for, it might be something that will make your life easier and happier. But, if it is going to make more challenges in your life, due to weather, life styles, difference in people, etc., you may want to think again before making this drastic change in your life.
As someone who wished they had been told early in life about the limitations of living 2000 miles away from family, I want to make you aware of the challenges of moving that far away. If you are a married woman, you will undoubtedly have children. Mothers always love to give their children the chance to be closely connected to the grandparents because of the love and support that grandparents know just how to give their grandchildren. This is not possible when you are 2000 miles away from them. Children do not know the grandparents when they live so far away and will never have the advantages of knowing a grandparent's love and support. When holidays come, you will not be spending it with your family. You will be spending holidays with the in-laws and you will always be the in-law who is always not quite family. Believe me, as one who has been there, you need to consider the things you will be missing. It's very hard to be so far away, and you always have this feeling of missing out. There's a feeling of warmth that you cannot fully explain when you're with the people of your own family.
When the children start to school, you are not able to travel as much, and your visits home are not as easy and will not come as often as they were before the children arrived. Soon, the distance and the years of separation become a divider in your ability to be close and comfortable with your family. The separation becomes inevitable and you will not feel needed anymore when you do see them.
You may think that your love for this dream man will accommodate for the loss of your family. It may, but again, if you can have the best of both worlds it does make life easier if family is important to you and I think that for the most of us, it is. Family is the only ones who stick with us through thick and thin.

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