Monday, November 21, 2011

Protecting Your Home

Burglary Prevention Tips for a tension free relocation

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You're on vacation or maybe you're visiting the new house and you're 500 miles away! Either way, you're leaving your treasured belongings behind and unattended. What can you do to make sure your home stays safe while you're away?
The Justice Department says that the average family has a one-in-four chance of falling victim to a crime each year. The following are ideas on how to keep your home safe when you're out of town:
  1. Call your newscarrier to discontinue deliveries.
  2. Notify the post office of your absence and have them hold your mail.
  3. Make arrangements for your front yard to be kept up.
  4. Notify the local police department about your departure and return dates. Also give them a name and number to contact incase of emergency.
  5. Have a neighbor or relative keep an eye on your house and give them a number where they can reach you in case of emergency.
  6. Unplug electrical appliances like toasters, television sets and stereos to prevent possible damage from electrical storms.
  7. Close and lock all windows and sliding doors. Place window locks or bars for extra security.
  8. Set timers on a few lamps to make the house look occupied.
  9. Turn your water off to avoid leaks or damage.
  10. Leave some shades open so the home doesn't look vacant and for police or neighbors to be able to look inside.
  11. Turn on your home alarm system. Nine out of ten burglars say that they avoid homes protected by an alarm.
  12. If you don't have a home alarm system, click here to get more information on all your home protection options.

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