Monday, October 31, 2011

What to Keep For Your Move

October 22nd, 2011

What do you keep for your big house move? While you might say ‘everything’ now, once you have started packing you may want to be more selective. So what are the essentials when telling theinterstate removalists what to pack up for you?

Keep the following in mind:
The more you have the harder it is to move.
You will be moving to a new home for a fresh start.
  • Some items may be extremely difficult to move.
  • Other items you will need immediately once you move.
The best approach to deciding what to keep on your move is getting organised. Make a moving check list and follow it religiously. This will also give you a better idea of what is vital to keep and what might be able to be thrown away.
Family Matters
The first thing anyone thinks of in their house that they want to keep is family albums. These are precious and cannot be replaced no matter how much money you spend. Even if you have some wonderful removalists you will probably still want to pack and label that box yourself.
Don’t feel bad about asking the professionals to pay extra attention to things that are special to your family. They will not mind and it is their job. If they know to be extra careful with some things then they will be overly cautious (which is good for you).
Favourite Furniture
Before deciding on what to take with you on your house move make a mental note of your new house. Will your current furniture match the new home? If it does not then do not be afraid to sell all your furniture and buy new items after you move. This saves some hassles when moving and can fund part of your move.
Try to keep key items such as dining tables and refridgerators on a list so that you know what is going. This will also give you an idea of the space you will need on your move. There may also be antique items that are unique so make sure you get professionals to move these for you so they do not get damaged.
Clothing Collections
One easy thing to forget is the clothes you will need as soon as you move. Unless your belongings are beating you there and unpacking themselves you will need clothes. Pack enough separately in your own vehicle for at least a week as you will still need unpack.
Cleaning Products
The last step in your moving process is cleaning up especially if you are moving from a rental. Moving can get messy so it is a good idea to keep a few garbage bags and cleaning products in a separate box for when the house is cleaned out.
These can also help you on the other end if oyu are unsure of the state of the home you are moving to. It is easier to give everything a good clean before you unpack rather than waiting. It is easy to throw things away but concentrate more on what you can keep and this will make that decision easier.

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