Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ten Moving House Or Verhuis Tips

Experiences of your life. The very thought of leaving your locality where you feel safe and comfortable and verhuizing your treasured possessions makes you nervous. Verhuizen can be very exciting as well if you plan it carefully and think about decorating your new home in an entirely different fashion. Here are top ten verhuis tips that can help you deal with this terrible experience and convert it into an exciting and lifetime event. 
* Plan What to Carry and What not to: Don't carry unnecessary, old, or broken stuff. Carefully eliminate the stuff that you don't need. Give it away, throw it or sell it off but do not carry it to your new house.
* Get Moving Boxes: Get enough moving boxes so that your stuff remains safe and clean as well. These boxes protect your stuff from getting damaged. In addition, it becomes portable. You can get them from your local grocer. It can help you save money.
* Provide Adequate Padding: While packing your stuff, make sure to provide adequate padding so that your glassware or other delicate things don't get damaged or crushed due to continuous movements, bumps, and vibration.
* Don't Move Fish Tank with Fish in it: If you have a fish tank, don't just move it like this. It is hazardous not only for your fish, but also for your other stuff. The tank may break or leak water when truck starts moving. Shift your fish in the strong polythene bag and empty the tank before transporting.
* Sell off the Old Stuff: If you're locating to a new country, sell off the old stuff before verhuizing. It will decrease your moving costs and you will get rid of unnecessary stuff. Verhuizen can be a good experience if you plan for it in advance.
* Do not Overload Your Moving Boxes: Do not stuff the moving boxes while packing. It can result in breaking of it and other expensive stuff inside it. Fill them according to their capacity.
* Label Everything: To avoid any confusion while transporting, label all the boxes. Make a list of things in a particular box and stick on it so that you know what is where. It also helps you while loading the truck. You can differentiate between the stuff and plan where to keep what.
* Do not pack Foods and Drinks: Do not pack foods and drinks if you're shifting at a long distance. Rather finish it off before moving. Yes, you can definitely pack canned foods or other things that have longer shelf life. Do not carry perishable things with you.
* Carefully pack Electronics: It is good to pack electronics in their original boxes as it reduces the chance of their damage. If it is not possible, get some sturdy cartons from the market and pack them. Make sure to give appropriate padding to avoid any damage to them because of frequent bumps and vibration when the truck moves.
* Don't Pack Necessary Documents: Keep the necessary documents and your treasured belongings, such as jewelry, with you in your handbag or briefcase. 
All these verhuis tips can convert your terrible verhuizen event into an exciting and pleasant experience.

1 comment:

  1. hou een check list bij zodat je minder stress hebt en kan denken aan andere dinges die belangrijk zijn
