Thursday, August 25, 2011

Moving Into a New Home - 5 Tips for a Headache-Less Move!   

by Hadden

Moving into a new home can be downright miserable if unexpected conditions arise. Perhaps the movers show up an hour late, or maybe it starts raining in the middle of your move. While these things could happen, forget about these "what ifs" for a moment; if you think about how great your new home will be once you're all moved in, you can give yourself some motivation and inspiration to keep moving forward whenever things aren't going as planned. There are people out there who enjoy the challenge of seamlessly transitioning into unknown territory and calling it home, but even those people inescapably get stressed out by the move. You should consider how much your time and sanity is worth to you the next time you start stressing out over your move. Luckily, I've got some suggestions that will make moving into your new home an efficient, yet leisurely process.

1. Planning
Lots of people will probably scoff at such an obvious suggestion, yet they'll end up with a poorly planned move that costs them more money or time than it should have--or maybe they just don't know the optimal way to go about it. You have to take on this task with a strategic mindset in order to get the move done as fast and conveniently as possible. You'll definitely want to plan as far in advance as you can. Planning too much is better than planning too little! Get your move-in and move-out dates sorted out first. This will determine most of the planning - whether to store your belongings, whether to make prior arrangements or whether to move straight in. The more overlap you have between moving out and moving into your new home, the better. Of course, too much time will result in unnecessary renting costs, but a few weeks of overlap works perfectly. This will give you enough time to make desired renovations or to move your stuff in several trips instead of one torturous day.

Help Your Friends Move
Anytime your friends need help moving, jump on it! These good deeds will increase your chances of "hiring" movers for free when you move out. Not only will volunteering to help your friends move put you in their favor, but word can spread around that you are a considerate person, and everyone likes helping those who help others. At the very least you'll end up with people receptive to helping you in the future. Even if it isn't when you're moving into a new home, it's hard to complain about that.

2. Start Packing Up Well in Advance.
Planning your packing is a key step in this process. Good planning goes a long way. Use your move as an excuse to start simplifying your life by getting rid of excess stuff. Figure out what you positively must keep and what is simply clutter. Be sure to label your packed boxes because this will save you time when you start unpacking.

Gathering supplies
Get boxes from friends who work in a diner, pharmacy, or retail shop. Just go into a local store and ask the manager if they have any spare boxes. You might also be able to get some bubble wrap or packing supplies too. Gather newspapers as they are work well as packing material.

Storing Your Stuff in the Meantime
Designate an area for short term storage. Seldom used dishes can be put away in advance. Leave out only enough utensils and supplies to use for a few days at a time. Start throwing out food you don't need or that has gone bad.

Start putting away unused clothes and put clothing that you don't want or rarely wear in a box to donate or giveaway. You can leave clothing in your dresser because when you move out you can simply take the drawers out and put them in the trunk or moving truck. Linens and sheets can also be packed ahead of time.

Take down pictures, artwork, decorations and pack them up. Do the same with anything you don't use often, such as your video or music collection.

Determine how you will get rid of your clutter. You can give away your stuff to friends and family or charity. Remember, your local Craigslist is great for selling large furniture items. If you have belongings you're not sure about, put them in a bag and if after a week you haven't gone back and decided, just drop it off at your nearest Salvation Army.

3. Evaluate the Needs of Your New Home Beforehand
Preceding your move-in day, when your new home is cleared out, is the most optimal time to fix issues with your new home. Does it need a new paint job? Do you want wood flooring instead of carpet? Perhaps you want full-length French windows in your bedroom for your new breathtaking view! These can be major projects, and before you fill your house with your belongings is the most optimal time for renovations.

If you don't do it now, then later you'll have to move all your furniture, then back again. That equates to three separate moves! Save yourself the hassle and do any renovating ahead of time. Even better, hire a nearby contractor to do the work for you while you plan or work on other tasks. These days you don't have to spend days finding an excellent contractor to hire. A few online websites, like Angie's List, provide unbiased ratings and reviews of nearby contractors. Utilizing these time saving websites will prevent many headaches because you will not have to worry about getting poor service and then searching for someone else to do the work.

4. Buy Furniture Online and Get it Shipped to Your New Home.
Some furniture just are not worth the trouble to move, in which case you should buy new furniture. Most of your shopping can be done online (for furniture like chairs, tables, and beds). Keetsa is a great place to get your bed from because they provide free shipping on their eco-friendly beds. What's unique about this is that they compress your bed into a (relatively) tiny box! The only downside of shopping online is that you can't try out the furniture before you buy it, although some online furniture retailers have local stores too. Make your order about a week before you move in (this depends on what kind of shipping they use, but you can ask for an estimate).

5. Quickly Change Important Contact Information
The excitement of being done with your move may push you through the final phase without too much stress, but don't forget that there are still phone lines, internet, addresses on bills to change and much, much more! It's easy to overlook a task such as forwarding your old mailing address to your new one.

Yet again we turn to the internet to quickly and efficiently complete these tasks for us. Going back to the example of forwarding your address, you can find simple tools like the USPS website that will save you time by posting your new forwarding address to the USPS system in minutes.

This is just one simple example of how you can go about updating your information online. Then there are the more obvious information changes like your credit cards, bank accounts, and monthly bills. Moving without updating your contact information could result in you not getting important mail. This simple step could even save you money if you receive credit card bills in the mail.

When moving into a new home, the prospect of living in a new place can be quite exciting. Now that you know a few tips to make your move easier, you stop stressing over all the details of your moving plan. Soon enough you'll realize how much work was actually involved in making the move, but if you apply the above advice you'll be settled in no time. And the sooner you make this place your own home, the happier you will be.




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