Friday, August 26, 2011

How to Survive Moving House
Get plenty of help when moving house.

When you move from one house to another, nothing quite prepares you to survive moving house. The intensity of those few days before and after the move can be stressful and chaotic.

With diligent planning, some serious organizational skills, and plain old hard work, you too can make it through to the other side when you move house.


Things You'll Need

·         Paper and pen for moving house checklist
·         Marker
·         Any help you can get

o    1
Begin moving house by thinking through what your particular move will entail. Plan and consider all of the logistics. Take notes. Make lists.
When do you have to be out of your current home? Work backward to give yourself plenty of time to pack, clean, and drop off keys so you can breathe easier.
What can you do at your new home beforehand to make the move easier? If possible, do as many repairs and any painting while your new home is empty. It is ten times easier to work in an empty room than to work around a mountain of boxes.
o    2
Hire movers or arrange for friends and family to help you on moving day. Rent a truck or borrow one.
Have your boxes packed and ready to go. Only leave bare essentials to be packed on moving day especially if you are paying movers by the hour. If they have to maneuver around items that are waiting to be packed or wait for boxes to load, you will have to pay more.
o    3
Prepare several OPEN FIRST boxes and mark them clearly. Include clean sheets, toiletries, alarm clock, clothes for the next day, any medications, kitchen items, such as the coffee maker, coffee, cereal, bowls, spoons, pet food--whatever you and your family will need to make your new home feel like home right away.
o    4
Make lists of what you need to do or to buy. Put the lists on the refrigerator of your new house or some place where you will see them. Be prepared to feel "out of whack" for a few days. This is normal.
o    5
Take time to rest and eat well when you move house. Buy fresh fruit to snack on instead of chips or cookies, or at least in addition to the chips and cookies! Drink plenty of water. Sit down and take a small break each hour during the move. Your body is working overtime so treat it well.

Tips & Warnings

·         Keep expectations low when moving house. Know that eventually you will not be surrounded by boxes and that your normal life will resume bit by bit.
·         There are so many details to remember when moving house. If you forget some small thing, look at the big picture. Whatever you forget is probably not the end of the world.

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