Thursday, August 18, 2011

How to Pack for a Long Distance Move

Moving Across the Country? How to Pack for the Trip


If you're moving to another state, province or across the country via a car or moving truck, you'll need to pack a few items to ensure that you're well prepared for your road trip.

What to Pack for the Moving Trip

·         Emergency contact person. While this isn't something that you need to pack, you should identify a person who will be your emergency contact. This is someone who can be reached easily and will be around for the duration of your travels. Set a call schedule for you to check in with your contact person to ensure someone is monitoring your travels. They'll also act as a point person for any problems you encounter during your trip. For instance, if you have car trouble that postpones your arrival at your new place, they can contact the movers and/or real estate agent/landlord to let them know the change of plans.

·         Address of the new home and contact information of real estate agent or landlord. It may seem obvious, but I can't tell you the number of people that forget to bring the address of their new home. Further, they leave without having the contact number of their new landlord or the real estate agent. First, you should always check and recheck with the movers to make sure they have the new address and contact number of you and an emergency number, just in case.

·         Route plan. It's a good idea to plan your route with as much detail as possible. Not only will this ensure that you arrive to your new place on time, but also to ensure that your emergency contact has a copy of the plan and knows where you are on each day of your trip. Of course, if you have time, you can veer from the route, just make sure you let your emergency contact know of this change.

·         GPS device. If your car doesn't have a GPS system, it's a good idea to invest in one. Not only will it provide directions to where you're going, but can be programmed to find services, such as gas stations, mechanics, hotels and restaurants, wherever you might be. We've found it to be incredibly useful and invaluable in particular when we drive on lesser-traveled roads and in areas that are sparsely populated.

·         Maps and guides. I know most of us rely on our GPS unit or smart phone, but it's always a good idea to have a backup plan, like physical maps that you can rely on should the technology fail. Because you know, that just when you need it, it will fail. We carry a detailed road atlas whenever and wherever we travel to. It also makes planning a trip a little easier and more fun, too, especially if the whole family is involved.

·         Hotel addresses, confirmations and telephone numbers. While most of us rely on our smart phones to find hotels and local businesses when we travel, it's always a good idea to keep a list of hotels where you're planning to stay or have already booked, including addresses and telephone numbers. This list should be given to your contact person so they know where they can reach you during your trip, in case your phone is off or service is unavailable. I always like taking a hard copy of confirmation receipts, hotel contacts and telephone numbers.

·         Membership in an automobile club. Before you leave, make sure you have an up to date membership in an automobile club such as AAA in the US and CAA in Canada. Keep your membership card with you and instructions on how to contact them should you need emergency service.

·         Car emergency kit. I can't tell you the number of times we had to crack open our car's emergency kit while traveling. A few times it was because we were stuck in a snow drift and needed to use the emergency supplies, but we've also used it for simpler things, such as aspirin for a headache, bandages for cuts and ointment for a burn.
Just recently, when my sister and her husband were moving to Mexico from Canada, we gave them a well-stocked kit as a gift. I don't think my sister appreciated the gesture until they were in the Mexican desert and she accidentally cut her leg when their dog dish broke. Being so far from a medical clinic, they used every bandage wrap in the kit to ensure the bleeding from the deep cut was kept clean and dry. Just don't underestimate the need for emergency supplies.

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