Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How to Find and Move to the Perfect Neighborhood Before You Move

What Does Your Perfect Neighborhood Look Like?

By Diane Schmidt, About.com Guide

The perfect neighborhood is such a personal thing. Some people want a quiet street while others are drawn to the abundance of restaurants, shops and cafes. It's so individual.
If that's the case, then how do you find the perfect neighborhood that's just right for you?
It's a good idea to take some time to figure out why you like or don't like your current neighborhood. Make a list of the pros and cons. Take the time to walk around the area, making note of everything you see. Also, it's a good idea to make a list of the way you use your neighborhood, whether it's the local community center, the transportation hub that's just down the street or the local cafe where they brew the perfect cup of coffee. It's easy to forget why you love a place and far easier to remember why you didn't.
Now make a list of the things you think are missing. Maybe it's a walkable grocery store, or a local play park or maybe its missing a movie theater or clothing shops. Try to take the cons you wrote down and turn them into pros, by thinking of what you'd like in your new neighborhood.
You should now have a good size list of the things you're looking for when you move. Keep in mind that finding the perfect neighborhood isn't easy, especially if some of the features you want clash with other desirable traits, such as nightlife and a quiet area. But you also need to remember that this is an area you want to live in and become a part of. The place should feel good and offer you a safe place to live and play.
Now take this list that you made and see how close you can come to finding your perfect neighborhood.

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