Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Moving Day Countdown: 5 Weeks Before

5 Weeks Before Move-Out Day: What to Move, What to Keep and How

In organizing your overall plan you've created a Master File Folder for your big move. With your Master List in hand create another list itemizing for each item to be moved on your Master Moving List

1. Draw up a House Assessment Check List

Getting objective about your belongings isn't always easy but must happen before you move. You don't want to pack broken toys, old magazines you'll never read, items that need to be recycled, thrown out, shredded or given away. Schedule several hours and take a notebook and pen while you take a walk through every room, nook and cranny in your house and assess what is going to be moved and what gets decluttered. Take notes on all thoughts that run through your mind as you see unfinished projects, problem areas, things to remind others of to take care of, repairs needed before the move, etc. Remember, packing what you don't want or need creates extra weight. Extra weight costs more money and you'll just have to deal with it on the other end.

Your moving company will have their own list for you to fill out. It will require an estimate of the number of boxes and large items you have so that when your shipment is delivered each item is checked off and accounted for. It's good to write this list now and recheck on their list. Keep your list in your Master File Folder and follow up on any items that need immediate attention.

2. Create and Prepare Space for Change

Whether you have a few items or massive bulk that should not be moved into your new home there is a formula for decluttering that, which will not be moved. This far ahead you may not be ready to really pack much, but sorting out, pruning and purging can be done. More sorting out will naturally happen when you pack for the move.

Gather your prep tools.
Several containers, boxes or trash bags with labels are very helpful for a smooth sorting process. Boxes for sorting items for recycle (plastic, glass, etc. that is not trash); thrift store/charity; return (as in library books or to others): trashcan and shredder for important documents with identity numbers. Tools may be a part of this as well including screwdrivers, pliers and a hammer.

You can never have enough Ziplock(R) bags.
Quart and gallon Ziplock(R) bags are indispensable when moving, taking apart and putting back together items. Put screws, picture hangers, all small items in these bags and mark them with your wide permanent marker. It's important to have one box where all these bags to and mark the box as well. If you create one box to hold these items make sure to label it so that you can find it later, like "Tools & Parts" or "Parts Box". This box should be packed last or taken with you personally so that you don?t lose it. Sometimes you can also put the bag with parts right in whatever you just took them off or out of and tape them to the item.
Schedule the time to go into each room with these prep tools. 

Start in one section and stay there going through the items sorting out into the appropriate boxes before moving onto the next.

Create space for these filled sorting boxes.
Make sure you have a space cleared for these boxes when they are filled if they cannot immediately go out of the house. Even if it's just for a day or two make sure you have garage or extra room for them.
Call for donations. 

When you have items for donation make it easy on yourself when you don't have time to drive the boxes or bags of clothing, etc. to the charity by calling them to pick them up prior to your sorting process.

3. Pack to Carry

Remember you will have items that are important and personally valuable that are for you to carry to the new home. Pack, organize and label the containers for these items as you come across them. Remember however that everything can't be important or you'll be doing most of the moving yourself!

4. Remember your Change of Address

Fill out and mail your change-of-address cards to the Post Office to make sure you get your mail moving to the new address on time.

Four weeks to go. Keep breathing! It'll be all over so soon. If you've been following this formula you?re doing great!

Read more: http://www.servicemagic.com/article.show.Moving-Day-Countdown-5-Weeks-Before.12241.html#ixzz1dEqsNOKI

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