Tuesday, November 29, 2011

15 Ways to Store More in Your Kitchen
Moving into a Smaller Kitchen? Store More!

By Diane Schmidt, About.com Guide

If you're moving to a new home that doesn't have as much kitchen storage space as your old home, you might find that you're having to get rid of things that are essential. Finding ways of storing things in your kitchen is not only a great way to find room for all your things, but will also help organize your stuff so it's easier to find, while keeping things out of the way.

How to Store More
Remove flour, sugar, pasta and other dry goods from their original packaging and store them into containers that can be stacked. I find square containers the easiest to stack, plus their square sides use the space more effectively.

My favorite way of storing spices, is to transfer them to containers with labels on the top, each spice written on the label. Place the containers in a drawer, with the label facing up. While your spices might take up an entire drawer, they're easier to identify and it keeps them dry and away from the heat. Heat from the stove can diminish the potency of the spice.

If your cabinets have space between the top and the ceiling, this becomes a perfect place to store items that are infrequently used. It can also serve as a dry pantry, storing flours, sugars and other dry goods that you might not use as often as other food items. Large baskets that fit into the space below the ceiling will assist in creating an uncluttered storage area that will be functional and add some texture to the room.

To get more use out of drawers, use drawer inserts to help organize items. Flatware might not take up an entire drawer, so use the extra space for other utensils or spices or dishtowels.

On the inside of cabinet doors, attach racks, hooks or bins that can hold extra items, such as plastic wrap and plastic bags. Attach racks to the inside of cabinet doors to boost storage options. Be sure to allow enough clearance within your cabinets for racks that tidily stow paper products.

I strongly suggest using wire baskets that hang down from shelves. Wire baskets can be pulled out and used to store extra plates or food items. Just make sure baskets can slide easily out and in and won't interfere with the items stored on the cabinet shelves.

Even though I prefer having a clear counter space, items that are flat and easy to store, such as cutting boards, can be placed between other items, or next to the refrigerator.

Use the space under the kitchen sink to store cleaning supplies, garbage bags or other items by installing bins and shelving units.

Add shelves to blank wall space, or to the side of cabinets. Place items that are not used often such as cookbooks.

Attach a towel rack to the inside of a cabinet or below the sink.

Purchase a small movable kitchen island. Islands are available in varying sizes and shapes and if you buy one that has wheels, then you can shift it around in the space, even placing it in another room when it's not being used.

When trying to make the most out of cabinet space, move shelves so that they fit the contents. Try not to have too much space between top of items and the next shelf. If you can't adjust shelf height, make sure you use the extra space by installing wire baskets or an extra shelf.

Use a metal wall grid or a pot rack to store pots, freeing up much needed cabinet space.

Use a dining room for extra storage by installing an armoire or buffet which can hold good dishes, china and other items that aren't used on a daily basis.

Use space above a counter top microwave to store a basket that can hold mail, keys or items that will require sorting. You can also purchase (inexpensive) plastic holders that have magnets attached that will stick onto the side of a fridge or stove.


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