Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Moving and Unpacking Tips - What to Unpack the Second Day
What to Do the Second Day in Your New Home

By Diane Schmidt, About.com Guide

I find the second day of unpacking harder than the first. On the first day, you still have, what I call, "new place fever", when your excitement for making your new house feel like a home gives you enough energy to get things sorted. By the second, third and fourth days, much of this excitement starts to wane and you're left feeling like you just want the chore to be over.

So, to help, here are some tips and a list of tasks you might want to do on your second day in your new home.
Day Two Unpacking Tips
Decide how you can be most productive. Some people recommend that you unpack a few boxes in one room then move onto the next room, working your way through the house. Others prefer to unpack an entire room in one day, then tackling the next room the following day. Still others think that you should try to do it all in one day while some think you should take lots of breaks, get out of the house to explore your new neighborhood. Personally, I think everyone has their own unique way of working and that it's important that you unpack the way that best suits you and the time you have to dedicate to the task.

To decide how best to tackle the unpacking, think about how you work on a daily basis, whether that's at your place of employment or how you manage household chores. I'm the kind of person who likes to finish one project before moving on to the next. My husband, on the other hand, works better when he has several things to do in one day and he can switch between them constantly. So, when it comes to unpacking, I like to tackle one room at a time. Of course, this is after I've completed day unpacking task list.
Create a to-do list and divide up tasks. If you're fortunate enough to have help, make a list of things you'd like to get done that day, then divide up tasks among your helpers. Remember not to be over-ambitious. It's better to take your time unpacking, making sure everything has a place and it's the right place, than to have to take additional time later on to rearrange items.

Take breaks. This sounds simply enough, but you'll find when you're unpacking that you'll be pushing yourself to get it all done quickly. It's important to take routine breaks, stopping to eat, sip tea or whatever else you need to gain a little energy, to take a minute to reflect on your move and to just ensure that you don't overdo it.
What to Unpack on Day Two
Start with the kitchen. Unpacking the kitchen is always the most difficult and time-consuming room. Yet, it's the place where families meet, start and end their days and it's important to beginning and maintaining some kind of routine in your new home.

1 comment:

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