Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Moving Tips with Your Dog

Drs. Foster & Smith Educational Staff

Moving to a new location or traveling can be stressful to your dog. Make sure he is equipped with proper identification and safe in his cage while traveling.Moving can be stressful, as change can be, not only to us, but to our pets as well, We have compiled the following tips to help you make your pet's move a little easier:
  1. Don't forget to ask your veterinarian for a copy of your pet's vaccination record and a health certificate if you are traveling state to state.
  2. ID tags on collar with new address, phone number. ID tags are relatively inexpensive, so if you are traveling across the country, it may be a good idea to put the number of your old veterinarian on the tag. Some pets, if frightened and run away, will run to a familiar place, which may end up being their old home.
  3. Use a cage or crate for the car (or one that is approved on your airline if you are flying). This will provide a safe haven for your dog. Make sure that the cage or crate is large enough for your pet to stand up, sit down, and turn around.
  4. Take your pet for short rides if he is not used to car travel.
  5. If traveling by car, make frequent rest stops for your dog. Animals are very sensitive to our feelings and if we are nervous they may be, too. As a consequence, they may need to "go" more frequently than normal.
  6. Use soothing natural remedies such as our Ultra-Calm®, which contains the nutraceutic valerian, or Rescue Remedy if your pet is especially nervous. Many pet owners have reported that these are very effective for relieving anxiety.
  7. When you arrive at your new house, allow your animal to sniff around the premises to get used to the new bombardment of odors.
We hope that following these tips will help make the move happy and less stressful for you and your pet.


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