Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Keep Your Moving Parts Moving With Strength Training

It has been proven over and over again, without exercise the essential elements of our functional fitness will decline as we get older.

Much of this loss of physical function we used to accept as being natural and an inevitable result of the "aging process". But we now understand it to be the negative result of a sedentary or inactive lifestyle.

The Answer - What we need to do. Firstly, we need to stay strong. Muscle and bone loss through the years can leave us much weaker that we think. The strength of our muscles is what allows us to walk, bend, lift, stretch and perform everyday movements and activities. Muscle strength holds up our skeleton, supports and protects our spine and joints. There is no substitute for restoring and maintaining muscular strength throughout our entire lifespan. And we need to give a proper exercise program that contains strength training exercise priority in our lives to keep it that way.

We need to keep our flexibility. With lack of use our body conspires to leave our joints and muscles stiff and rigid. Stiffness contributes to joint pain, arthritis, injury and disability. Moving our joints through their full ranges of motion on a regular basis helps keep our joints lubricated and able to move. Full ranges of movement do not mean shuffling around all day or using the few repetitive, limited movements that have become common for most inactive people. We have to restore and maintain the movement of our joints with a proper exercise program. If you have a moving part, you must move it!

We need to maintain proper posture. There is one template where our bodies function most efficiently and economically, keeping bones and joints in correct alignment so our muscles are used correctly. When we deviate from this alignment it causes problems such as the uneven wearing of joint surfaces that result in degenerative arthritis and joint pain.

A slouching, slumping, out of line body will eventually be a hurting, painful body and one that can no longer do all it is capable of. To maintain proper posture, you need to have adequate muscle strength and muscle flexibility.

We need to stay very active. Our bodies live and thrive on movement, but many of us often curtail and limit movement just at the time in our lives when we need it most. Cars, machinery, personal skills all work best when used regularly - it is the same with our muscles and joints. A proper exercise program is what is needed to use them as much as possible, to put them through their paces on a regular and consistent basis to keep them strong and youthful.

This exercise program must contain at least 60% strength training exercise. There is absolutely no substitute or any other way around this. No other type of exercise can duplicate what is needed to strengthen muscles and keep joints, bones etc strong and healthy. This is the fuel needed to prevent a host of muscle and joint problems in the years to come.

When we lose or relinquish our physical activityArticle Submission, our world becomes 
smaller and there will be fewer options for us to enjoy our life with. You do have a choice about this; make sure it is the right one.

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