Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hints to Help Older Adults Move - Preparation Before the Move

Tips for an Easy Move for Older Adults

By Diane Schmidt, Guide
Moving and relocating is often challenging enough in itself, but for an older person, the task can be downright intimidating. In some cases, the move can have an additional challenge - that of downsizing, leaving a familiar home and loved ones to go to a smaller house or apartment.
Here are some useful tips to make this move less daunting:
Leave packing and getting rid of junk to the experts.
Arrange for a removal company to come in and take care of packing and removing for you. It may cost you a little more, but will save you a ton of work and worry, and your back will thank you for it.
Downsize and declutter.
Possessions equal time. The more you have, the more you need to organize, clean, pack, and move every time. Seize the opportunity to rid yourself of those unnecessary things you have been hoarding, and do your part for charity and the environment as well. Keep possessions you really need, or that have sentimental value. Sort the rest into junk, garage sale items, or charity giveaways. Hosting a garage sale is a wonderful way of decluttering while also getting a bit of cash to help offset moving costs.
Inform businesses and authorities of your move/change of address.
Make sure utilities are cancelled/transferred. Inform your bank, credit card companies, and magazine or newspaper subscriptions of the change, and have your mail forwarded for at least six months so you have your bases covered.
Inform friends and family, including your former neighbors.
Make sure they have your new address and contact (e-mail, telephone number). Staying in touch is important during this transition. Any additional help and support is welcome when there is so much going on. Often, someone will remember something important that may have slipped your mind.
Prepare your new home to receive you.
If mobility help is required, such as handrails, ramps or wheelchair elevators, make sure these are fitted in advance of your move-in day. In addition, make sure cable/satellite TV hook up, all utilities, phone and internet are set up in advance. This will ensure you remain in touch with family and friends during this transition period.