Additional Moving Company Charges - What Do They Mean?
Find Out What Service Fees You Might Be Responsible For
By Diane Schmidt, Guide
Long Carry
This is an additional charge that is applied when the mover has to carry goods from the truck or van to your residence over a longer distance than is typical. Normally there is a distance limit between the rear of the moving truck/van to your residence's entrance. When this limit is exceeded, you are charged an additional fee. Ask the mover how far they will carry before the long carry charge is applied. If you’re concerned about the distance, either have it measured or ask the mover when they come for their interview/appointment. If you’re concerned about the distance at your new home, try to find some way of measuring the distance. Ask your realtor or apartment/condo manager. If the company says that they will charge you, try to negotiate the price. I did this once, and said that my husband and I would assist with the move in lieu of charging this additional fee. The mover agreed. You don’t know unless you ask!
Shuttle Service
This is a fee that is charged when your goods have to be transferred to a smaller truck because the large moving truck cannot access your home. Some movers, if they know ahead of time, don’t charge you extra. Again, ask and negotiate.
Specialty Movers
If you have larger items to move such as piano, items that require a specialty mover, then the moving company will charge you an additional fee. Pianos are difficult to move, so make sure you speak to your mover about this charge and if they’re equipped to handle this kind of specialty item.
Storage-in-Transit (SIT)
This is a fee charged if and when your goods have to be stored before being moved to their new home. This type of service may be necessary when your new home isn't ready to occupy and your items must be stored. When booking your mover, you must specifically request this service. Additional charges apply, including warehouse handling and final delivery charges. Before booking a mover find out exactly when your new house will be ready so that this timeframe can be built into the cost. Extensions on this timeframe may incur extra charges.
Storage Extension Coverage
In case your belongings need to be put into storage you will probably need to purchase extra insurance or if you've already purchased moving insurance, this can usually be extended. This is called storage extension coverage. Check with the moving company or insurance company on the details of your policy to ensure you’re covered. Also make sure you have a definitive storage timeframe established, or if you're unsure, provide a longer coverage period than you think you'll need. It’s always better to be over-insured instead of under.
Warehouse Handling
This is a fee charged whenever the storage-in-transit service is provided. This charge refers to the physical movement and removal of items within the warehouse.
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