Saturday, September 17, 2011

Children - Books to Help Kids Move

For Kids 0- 8 Years Old

By Diane Schmidt, Guide

When families decide to move, parents are usually distracted by the numerous checklists and things to do, that children are sometimes left to cope on their own. Maybe your child seems to be coping just fine, but how can you be sure when they shrug and say they're okay? What if your child isn't old enough to verbalize what he or she is feeling?
Books provide a great starting point for discussion, allowing you to ask questions, answer their questions and have fun, too. And remember that the same anxiety you might be experiencing as the move approaches, your child will also be feeling. It helps your child to know that someone else, such as Brother Bear, feels exactly like they do. So check out these books to help your child cope with saying goodbye to friends, their house and neighborhood.
·         We're Moving!: When Amy and her family move into a new house, it takes some effort to make it feel like home. Great book for infants and toddlers.
·         Berenstain Bears' Moving Day: The Bear family tells their story of when they moved to their tree house in Bear County.
·         I'm Not Moving, Mama: When moving day comes, Little Mouse refuses to leave his room.
·         Who Will Be My Friends?: Freddy moves to a new neighborhood and spends the entire book looking for new friends - until he finally finds them.
·         Alexander Who's Not (Do You Hear Me? I Mean It!) Going to Move: Angry Alexander refuses to move away if it means having to leave his favorite friends and special places.
·         A Tiger Named Thomas: Thomas realizes being the new kid on the block isn't too lonely after a special night of trick-or-treating.

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