Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Moving - Don't Forget These Important Tasks

If you will be moving in the near future, you will likely forget some items. Here are some of the most commonly forgotten tasks for families who are relocating.

Moving is a stressful time no matter what your situation. Even if you are excited about the new location and new home, the actual move brings a lot of stress. You will find that it is common to forget a few important details. Here are some of the most commonly forgotten items for families facing a big move.

Items Not in Your Home

If you are relocating across the state or country, make sure you pick up all items that are not in your home. For instance, did you loan something to a friend that has not been returned? Collect it before you move. What about the dry cleaner or tailor? If they have some of your clothing, pick it up before you leave. You don’t want to end up with a shipping charge in addition to the costs of the move.


You will need your medical records, dental records, and veterinarian records in your new location. Ask your doctor, vet, and dentist for these several weeks before the move. This will eliminate any hassle when looking for a new medical care provider at your new home, as you will have already released the records and signed all the necessary forms. If you have children in school, you will also need the child’s school records before you can enroll him or her in a school at the new location. 

Hidden Items

Some families have valuables hidden away in their home, such as in a seldom used cubby hole or safe tucked in the basement. You may also have a key hidden in a fake rock in your garden or under the watering can in your garage. When moving, try to make sure you collect all of these items, so you do not leave any valuable things behind. 

Register Your Change of Address

Let the post office know that you are moving and the dates of your move. If you have magazine or other mail-order subscriptions, let these companies know that you have moved. This will ensure that your important papers and magazines follow you to your new home. 

Leave Behind the Garage Door Opener

It’s probably rare for you to think about your garage door opener. You need to leave it for the owners of your new home, however. After all, it does you not good at your new home, and they need it. Make sure you get it out of the glove box or off of your car’s visor before you move. 

Canceling Memberships

Do you have a gym membership, clubhouse membership, or some other membership that you pay regular dues for. Unless you will be able to transfer that membership to a location at your new home, cancel it before it renews again. You may also want to cancel your library account so no one can use it fraudulently once you move. 

Remember, moving brings significant change and stress to your family. Write down everything you need to do before you move to help yourself stay on track. Take care of some of these things before you begin the move
, and you will be in far better shape.

Source: Free Articles from

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