Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Mover for Junk Removal

Hiring a mover for moving is great, but also consider using them to also move the stuff you no longer want but don’t have the energy or means to dispose of.

Going from one house to another is a huge process. It does not matter how long you have been at one address because it always seems like the possessions have multiplied and duplicated over the course or your tenure. Without fail, as time goes on, more and more possessions accumulate. So what is the point in bringing all this extra stuff along? Instead when you go to move, have the company you hire do double duty. Let them take the things you want to your new home while simultaneously taking all of the extraneous things to a dump or better yet, adonation site. If you are making a fresh start in a new residence, you might as well make it a truly fresh start. Trim the fat and begin anew by taking advantage of some of these mover services.

Sometimes it seems like it would just be easier to take the stuff you don’t want with you. Just load it all up and sort it out later. This is how we end up with broken clocks and junk drawers that have migrated with us for years. That is not a big deal for little tchotchkes, but when it is couch or a partially broken dresser, perhaps the time has come to let a mover take it to its final resting place. 

Hiring a mover to take care of junk removal can be a very liberating step in the process of moving. As you go about getting things together and packing up, simply place things you no longer want off to the side. Just toss them in the yard if you feel like it or pile it up in one room. When you are ready simply have the company come in. They will carry it out and transport it away. After that truck pulls away, your hands are washed clean of any responsibility to deal with all of that useless junk. 

What is often found to be the best process is to hire a mover to help take everything to the new house or apartment. They can come in and pack up all of the stuff that you are planning on keeping. They will carefully pack up and box belongings and gently remove furniture. Then they can easily bring it across town or across the country, whatever is necessary. After they are done getting all the good things together, simply leave everything else behind. Once you are done, have the mover come in and clean up. It is such a hassle that on top of all of the other concerns of moving
, it doesn't even make the radar. Leave it to the professionals who get paid for it and put it out of mind. They will come in do the heavy lifting and you can simply begin to brainstorm design ideas for the new place and ways of filling it with all of the new possessions you want.

Article Tags: Junk Removal

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