Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Finding Joy – Moving On
 Steven Morse

We all know what it’s like to be in a relationship with someone we love. It can be a first love, one of many, or a long term relationship such as a marriage. The feelings we share change our lives and fill us with a profound sense of joy. The one day something changes and the partner decides to follow a different path and we suddenly find ourselves alone. In these cases it seems that finding joy is a difficult task. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

When we lose someone we love, the pain we feel seems to overwhelm us and our world seems as if it is crashing around us. Once we had a life that occupied our senses and made us feel vibrant. Then it’s all gone. Now what do we do?

We can sit around and over indulge in feelings of self-pity and convince ourselves that all is lost; that the world will never be the same. Well, that’s partially correct. We will never be the same. But then even if the relationship had remained, we would still not be the same person tomorrow we are today because every day we grow and change which is the nature of life. Everything changes. The question is, how are we going to handle it?

When a relationship ends, logically there is no other choice but to go on. Like it or not, we now have a new path to follow. Living in the path blocks your joy because you want something that no longer exists. Don’t wallow in those feelings of loss. Look at the ended relationship with a sense of understanding and closure. You are a better person for having experienced it and now you need to take those feelings and place them in another spot where you can continue to grow.

The world is teaming with spiritual energy that calls to each and every one of us. Love abounds in many forms and we all have a deeply imbedded need to reach out. Basically this means that with the relationship loss, you have a new opportunity to take all that you have learned and use those matured emotions to invest in a new relationship that will become much fuller than the one before. That growth mingled with another’s growth makes our joys increase exponentially.

Never look at an ended relationship like it’s the last one you’ll ever experience. Try to look past the pain and see the possibilities before you. Now you get to rediscover yourself and the intricacies of a whole new person and relationship. Learn to accept your pain and release it. The strength you own will catapult you to higher and more fulfilling spiritual relationships. Life isn’t over. In fact it has only begun. Moving on can be a great spiritual uplift if you let it happen. Release what you knew and embrace that which you don’t. Doing so will making finding joy a wonderful task.

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